graduate student
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article discusses the formation of economic views on such a phenomenon as the learning-by-doing effect. This concept, which appeared in the 30s of the last century, does not lose its relevance today. So this concept can become an effective planning tool, which makes it possible to apply it in practice in the economy of a company. The areas of application of this concept in the activities of the company are also given in the article. The work is based on the analysis of publications of foreign and national authors who have made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of learning-by-doing, the impact of accumulated experience on the economic growth of the company. In particular, the model of the learning curve of T. Wright, the experience curve of B. Henderson, endogenous models of economic growth by K.J. Arrow, P. Romer, E. Sheshinsky, L.E. Varshavsky. The practical significance of this work lies in the formation of the basis for further research in this subject area. The results of the work can form the basis for formation the learning model for one of the modern national industries.
learning curve, experience curve, commercial production, labor intensity, costs, production
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