Modem trends and prospects of ship power plants and their elements in relation to the concept of an autonomous vessel and crewless (pilotless) navigation, incorporating meeting the potential newer requirements / restrictions of international maritime legislation regarding airborne pollutions from ships. The use of alternative fuels and the alternative to marine power technology from the shore when such vessels are moored in ports, at equipped roadsteads, as well as the use of “clean electricity” to supply power to marine transport facilities and offshore infrastructure. Remote control of ship’s main power plant and auxiliaries of an autonomous vessel, control of process parameters and assessment of their technical condition using artificial neuro-fuzzy networks. Creation of digital twins and forecasting of the technical condition, modeling of scenarios during the life cycle of ship technical equipment.
marine power plants, energy-efficiency, ship’s fuels, electronic control, crewless navigation, autonomous shipping, integrated automation systems, fuzzy-neural network
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