Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this study, we analyzed the perception of social advertising with elements of aggression by representatives of different age groups. Previously, two hypotheses were put forward: the use of aggression and pressure in social advertising ensures the memorability of advertising but does not ensure effectiveness; aggressive forms of presenting information that appeal to feelings of fear and guilt are negatively perceived by most of the recipients, regardless of their age. To test the hypotheses, a stratified sample was formed, and illustrations (advertising samples) were tested. Both hypotheses were confirmed, which allowed the authors to formulate conclusions. When planning social advertising communication, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of the addressee of the advertisement, which will allow you to find the right ones the content and tone of communication. Modern consumers of advertising content expect openness from the communicator and are tuned to a trusting relationship, they perceive pressure and aggression in social advertising extremely negatively. The addressees need objective information (scientifically confirmed facts, statistics, eyewitness accounts, etc.) in order to realize the significance of the idea, to believe in its usefulness and necessity.

social advertising, aggression and provocation in advertising communication, perception of social advertising, effectiveness of social advertising

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