The article justifies the system of criteria, on the basis of which the compensation amount for non-property damage shall be determined. There are highlighted some common criteria applied in case of violation of any civil, family or labor rights; particular criteria used in violation of specific subjective rights, and the criteria for reducing and increasing the amount of non-property damage. Common grounds of increase of the amount of compensation are proposed as followers: causing both moral and physical damage by violation the same non-property right; causing non-pecuniary damage in connection with the simultaneous violation of several non-property rights. The author proves the necessity of introducing in the law such common grounds of reducing of the amount of compensation as: form and degree of fault of the victim; financial situation of a tortfeasor — citizen; expiration of a long period of time after the occurrence of damage and under certain conditions; voluntary taking actions by a tortfeasor to mitigate the effects of non-pecuniary damage caused before filing a suit. It is considered by the author to be fair to protect the interests of victims by establishing in law the minimum amount of compensation for non-pecuniary damage, linking it with the fold of the minimum wage.
Non-property damage, physical and mental suffering, compensation for moral damage, remedy, determining the amount of compensation, life, health, intangible benefit, honor, privacy, integrity of personal freedom, individualization, copyrights, consumer rights, employee rights.
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