Subjects of counteraction to the Internet influence on juvenile delinquency
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Abstract (English):
The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that negative processes in any sphere of public life most painfully affect minors, requiring special attention in the direction of eliminating destructive phenomena. The situation is aggravated by general globalization, the development of the digital environment, the growth of mobile communications, the escalation of organized crime beyond national boundaries, etc. of the research is determined by the fact that negative processes in any sphere of public life most painfully affect minors, requiring special attention in the direction of eliminating destructive phenomena. The situation is aggravated by general globalization, the development of the digital environment, the growth of mobile communications, the escalation of organized crime beyond national boundaries, etc. Under the current conditions, countering juvenile delinquency mediated by the destructive influence of the Internet, in which special powers are defined for internal affairs bodies, is of particular importance. The purpose of the article is to reflect the features and problems of legal regulation of the powers of the internal affairs bodies in the field of combating crime associated with the destructive impact on the personality of a minor of the global information network. The object of research is aimed at studying of measures to combat juvenile delinquency, mediated by the destructive influence of the Internet. Problems of legal regulation and ways to overcome them are considered as a subject, Research methods: analysis, modeling, generalization, classification, analogy. The article reflects issues related to the powers of the internal affairs bodies to combat juvenile delinquency, mediated by the negative influence of the network, the system of counteraction subjects with which the internal affairs bodies interact. Novelty: due to the dynamism of the impact of the Internet on the personality of a minor, in combination with circumstances considered as criminogenic, some adjustments are proposed in the work to combat crime produced by such influence and implemented by the internal affairs bodies. It is proposed to include in the Instruction on the organization of the activities of juvenile divisions of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated October 15, 2013 No. 845, a new section «Organization of work on the prevention of juvenile crimes caused by the influence of the information and telecommunication network «Internet»» with an indication of the main directions and forms of prevention, allowing to expand the content of the juvenile divisions activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

Internet, minor, crime, criminogenic situation, destructive influence, involvement in crime, information and telecommunication technologies
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