Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Tourism is one of the most profitable and rapidly developing sectors of the economy and it plays an important role in ensuring sustainable socio-economic development of many countries and regions. Tourism is recognized internationally as the most promising area of activity that is essential not only in terms of economic growth, foreign exchange earnings and employment, but also for environmental, cultural and social awareness, peace and recognition of international cooperation. Tourist activity in the developed countries is an important source of revenue for the state. In addition to the apparent profitability of tourism is also one of the most powerful factors in enhancing the prestige of the country, the growth of its value in the eyes of the international community and ordinary citizens. The article analyzes the international tourism market for the period from 1990 to 2013, the profits of international tourism and international travel expenses on the basis of data from the World Tourism Organization. The study is conducted for the market in general, as well as in the context of advanced economies and emerging economies, by regions, as well as major tourist destinations. The results of the analysis are presented for the global tourism market by international tourist arrivals and receipts from international tourism in the regions. The place of Russia in international tourist arrivals, international tourism revenues and expenditures of international tourism is analyzed. The dynamics of income from international tourism and international travel expenses of the Russian Federation are presented. The authors emphasize that the international travel expenses of the Russian Federation are far ahead of its earnings.

international tourist arrivals, receipts from international tourism, international travel expenses

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