Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Hi-tech transport technologies are important for all spheres of life. Intelligent transportation systems implement the national interests of the Russian Federation, but the current sanctions prevent technological modernization. This article features the challenges and threats to the development of intelligent transportation systems, as well as their solutions and various means that would make it possible to introduce advanced transport technologies. The research relied on the methods of statistical, logical, systemic, and general scientific analyses. The authors described the key role of intelligent transportation systems in the national socio-economic, environmental, and security policies. They also identified the external and internal factors that hinder the high-tech development of the domestic transport complex. The article also contains a review of regulatory documents and scientific publications. The obtained results may be used to facilitate the development of intelligent transportation systems in the context of the sanctions.
intelligent transportation systems, unmanned vehicles, national interests, digitalization, transport complex, transport strategy
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