Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Infrastructure projects contribute to the development of regional transport and economy. This article features the impact of large-scale transport projects on economic growth. The author determined the relationship between investments in major transport projects and the consequences of their implementation. The study relied on such methods as generalization, classification, comparison, description, and mathematical statistics. One and the same large-scale transport projects are admired as beneficial and criticized as inefficient. Traditional views on investment usually provide only negative coverage. Therefore, large-scale transport projects need to be analyzed from different perspectives that meet regional and national interests. The original hypothesis was the dependence between the gross regional product and the fixed assets of transport organizations in the regions. The comprehensive analysis of this relationship in various regions of the Russian Federation proved the dependence between these parameters. A poor infrastructure was a deterrent to the regional economic growth. The author believes that the critique of large-scale infrastructure projects is unfounded. In fact, they contribute to the regional economic development, primarily in developing countries that are undergoing structural economic changes.
megaprojects, large-scale projects, railway projects, infrastructure projects, project efficiency assessment, infrastructure investments
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