Kemerovo, Russian Federation
employee from 01.01.1984 to 01.01.2022
Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Non-state pension insurance is currently a highly-relevant and rapidly developing form of financial services in the Russian Federation. More and more citizens choose to supplement their state pension with a voluntary pension insurance contract. Non-state pension funds have a great responsibility to preserve and increase the funds of their clients. As a result, they keep looking for new ways to improve their investment strategy. This article features the current trends in the investment policy of Russian non-state pension funds and their development. The research included the methods of statistical and regression analyses, as well as a comparative analysis of the investment portfolios of Russian and foreign non-state pension funds, which revealed the effect of the structure of the investment portfolio on its profitability. Based on the best international practices and the Russian legislation, the main directions of development of domestic non-state pension funds included diversification, sustainable development, asset management companies, etc.
private pension fund, pension system, investment portfolio, formation of an investment portfolio, management of an investment portfolio
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