graduate student
Russian Federation
The purpose of the study is to describe service communication as a status-oriented type of discourse, to analyze its communicative-pragmatic, genre-stylistic and linguistic characteristics. The article defines the institutional features of service communication, describes the participants of the discourse and their communicative behavior in the process of interaction, analyzes the texts of service communication in its oral and written modes. Methods and materials. The methods of observation and description, interpretation and generalization, linguosociological analysis were used in the work. The sources of the language material were about 400 texts on the designated topic: websites of companies providing service, texts of instructions, letters and advertising messages of service companies. As a result of the study, the following conclusions were made. 1. Service communication as purposeful communication, in which participants are within the specified framework of status-role relations, can be considered as a type of institutional discourse. 2. According to the function of institutions, we divide them into structures offering: 1) daily life services, 2) professional services (technical, intellectual, medical, etc.), 3) entertainment and leisure, cognitive, cultural and sports services. 3. Participants in service communication – representatives of the service sector (service providers) and clients (service recipients) are in a relationship of equality / inequality depending on their belonging to official status and related restrictions, which is manifested in the texts at lexical and stylistic level.
service sphere, service communication, discourse, institutional discourse
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