student from 01.01.2015 to 01.01.2019
Balashiha, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 30 Теория, методология и методы общественных наук в целом. Социография
The article actualizes the role of socio-pedagogical prevention of social orphanhood in the conditions of general secondary education. The results of the conducted socio-pedagogical diagnostics on the study of undetected problems of family problems of families in which minor children are brought up are described. Special attention is paid to the complexity and systematization of preventive measures, as well as an individual approach to each child and his family. It is emphasized that well-organized socio-pedagogical prevention of social orphanhood in the institution of general secondary education can reduce the level of interfamily problems.
social orphanhood, socio-pedagogical prevention, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of children, socio-pedagogical activity
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