Purpose: The issues of increasing the efficiency of passengers’ ground service in airborne-transport logistic junctions are considered. Ground service processes are predictable from the point of transport system theory and are normalized using time-schedule theory tools. Actions or inaction in the service processes of a passenger as a process participant introduce an accidental element into transport system. Managing passenger’s initiative does not affect the predictability of the end time of ground service operations. The article proposes the description of the processes of logistic junction production activity as well as the role of passenger’s behavior in ground service. Directions for the study of passenger behavior cognitive model in the frames of air-terminal structural-flowing scheme are proposed. The paper proposes predictive analytics system in the form of telematics which collects data on passenger factual behavior in airport functional areas. As a proposal to improve junction operation efficiency it is proposed to introduce passenger behavior models for the prediction of time ending of passenger ground service processes and for - at the expense of data evaluation algorithms - constituting operation process continuation. Methods: System general theory, cognitive transport system theory. Results: The architecture of the system for data collection from transducers for passenger behavior monitoring at air terminal on the process of ground service in airborne-transport logistic junction was developed; structural-logical scheme of negative scenario occurrence, that’s negative one from the point of event regularity, is given. Practical significance: Passenger ground service process optimization of airborne transport logistic junction.
Airborne-transport logistic junction, system, airborne passenger, cognitive model, passenger ground service process, check-in structural-flowing schemes, boarding gate, architecture of data collection system on passenger service processes
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