Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The situation that has developed as a result of the signing by Russia of the Bologna agreement is considered and an attempt is made to evaluate the prospects for leaving it. It is noted that the introduction of undergraduate and master's master has broken a classic domestic system of higher education. A reference is made to the work of specialists who predicted serious problems of building undergraduate in the sphere of professional activity. In relation to graphic training, two aspects are considered: undergraduate and competency -based approach to education. The undergraduate has greatly cut off not only the audit load, but also the total number of hours to study disciplines. The specified deficit gave rise to the exclusion of drawing geometry from a number of educational standards. This trend was paid attention to, in particular, Bulgarian colleagues. The result is the loss of the theoretical basis of the departments teaching graphic disciplines. The investigation is a loss of independence, unification with other departments. Due to the fact that employers in the field of equipment perceived the undergraduate as unacceptable engineers, unsuitable attempts were made to introduce engineering undergraduate. The deficiency of the auditor's load crushed mentoring - the invaluable quality of domestic education. It is especially important when working with 1-2 courses, due to the lack of graphics at school, insufficient training in the field of geometry, a small emphasis on analytics in the educational process. Attention is drawn to the “quiet revolution” that occurred in domestic education in connection with a competency -based approach. The educational process is built from the result to training i.e. In the opposite direction in relation to the classical scheme. Now the main in training is the employer. The relationship, mutual understanding between it and the university, the individual department unambiguously determines the quality of education. A possible dictate can turn a number of aspects of the educational process into formal or ineffective. Examples are given. In terms of forecasts, it is noted that the undergraduate will not disappear at the same time, and the specialists in the field of graphic training are faced with training using innovative approaches in the educational and production educational process within the framework of a specialty.

Bologna agreement, graphic training, undergraduate, specialty, competence, knowledge, skills, skills

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