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Abstract (English):
The article discusses the prospects for maintaining and improving mental health in the workplace. Statistical data reflecting the state of mental health of the staff are summarized. The main risk factors for mental health at work and their consequences are identified. A system of indicators is proposed that take into account the current WHO recommendations in the field of protecting and promoting mental health in the workplace and can be used to identify, analyze and justify the promotion of psychologically healthy practices in the workplace and include an assessment of the organizational culture that supports the mental health of employees, the availability of services and resources in the field of mental health, the use of stress management techniques, the state of mental health education of managers and employees that takes into account the needs of a diverse workforce, policies and practices to prevent sexual harassment, discrimination, workplace violence and bullying/ignorance, the existence of infrastructure that supports healthy behavior, management of workers and work-related factors that may affect mental health, etc. Conclusions about the need for an effective mental health strategy are substantiated, which should include both mental health promotion and policies and practices that promote a healthy work environment; reducing stigma to improve employee engagement and help create a supportive workplace culture.

psihicheskoe zdorov'e, faktory riska, emocional'noe vygoranie, toksichnoe povedenie, psihologicheski zdorovaya praktika, organizacionnaya kul'tura
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