UDK 662.756.3 Растительные масла, включая смолы
The article discusses the prospects for the use of biofuels as an alternative fuel for marine diesel engines. The results of the analysis of applied technologies for the production of biodiesel are presented. The expediency of using a hydrodynamic mixer as a device that ensures the intensity of the transesterification reaction in the production of biodiesel is substantiated. A technological scheme of a laboratory plant for the production of biodiesel has been developed. The results of laboratory studies to determine the optimal material balance of the transesterification reaction for the production of biodiesel in a plant equipped with a hydrodynamic mixer are presented. The main indicators of the interesterification reaction (viscosity, flash point, sediment height) for a plant equipped with a hydrodynamic mixer have been determined. The optimal mass ratio of the transesterification reaction has been established, which ensures the best quality indicators of the resulting biodiesel and allows evaluating the efficiency of the hydrodynamic mixer used in the plant. Recommendations are given on the ratio of vegetable oil and methanol in the production of biodiesel. The best oil/methanol ratio, in terms of biodiesel yield and quality, is 7.5:1. The use of traditional petroleum fuels mixed with biodiesel can be seen as an effective way to reduce air pollution from ships and ensure compliance with the rules of the International Maritime Organization
Biofuel, biodiesel, vegetable oil, hydrodynamic mixer, interesterification reaction, diesel fuel, marine engine, water transport
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