, Russian Federation
graduate student
The article deals with the results of a theoretical research "Studying the opinion of parents about the need for psychological and pedagogical assistance in an educational organization". The survey revealed that the largest percentage of respondents are interested in cooperation with educational organizations to maintain the psychological health of their child. Parents are also very concerned about the difficulties they face in the process of raising their child. This practice is an example of the organization of changes in the content and technology of individualization and practice-oriented pedagogical training and ensures the implementation of a new professional standard, new federal state educational standards of general and preschool education. The article deals with the results of a theoretical research "Studying the opinion of parents about the need for psychological and pedagogical assistance in an educational organization". The survey revealed that the largest percentage of respondents are interested in cooperation with educational organizations to maintain the psychological health of their child. Parents are also very concerned about the difficulties they face in the process of raising their child.
research, psychological and pedagogical assistance in an educational organization, research competence, pedagogical conditions, research work of students
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