The objective of any government is to ensure safety of individuals, contributing to prevention and detection of crime. The problem of protecting whistleblowers, who receive inadequate attention from the national legislator, is one of the most important problems. The Russian Federation has accepted obligations to take appropriate measures to ensure effective protection of individuals reporting about corruption, as a member state to the United Nations Convention against corruption, adopted in New York on 31 October 2003 and ratified by the Federal law on 08.03.2006 N 40-FZ (Art. 32-33). However, it should be recognized that the national legislation does not contain all of the Convention principles, and Russia takes insufficient measures to implement the international community’s recommendations on the application of security measures to protect whistleblowers from the adverse consequences for them. The article analyzes the current legislation regulating the system of measures of state protection of individuals ensuring criminal justice in general, and whistleblowers in particular. The article notes that the legislation, regulating the state protection of individuals, contributing to the prevention and detection of crime, to a large extent takes into account the fundamental international principles and standards for ensuring safety of individuals in criminal proceedings. However, there remains the problem of insufficient protection measures in relation to whistleblowers, which is one of the reasons for poor efficiency of prevention and detection of corruption crimes. To solve this problem, the author proposes some measures that strengthen protection of whistleblowers to a maximum extent, as well as contribute to further improvement of the legislation in the sphere of state protection of individuals promoting criminal justice.
Crime, ensuring safety, protection measures, corruption, anti-corruption, whistleblower.
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