The author analyzes the entry into force of international treaties as a result of accession from the point of view of both the international and domestic law. Multilateral international treaties are the instrument of international cooperation. In this regard the accession is the most interesting type of the entry into force of international treaties. The accession means that an agreement should be bound by an international treaty which the subject of the international law did not sign or participate in its preparation. The author examines the use of the international treaties’ restrictive provisions concerning their accession. The author emphasized that such restrictions are used as a rule in a regional context. The author points out that the provisions on accession may extend to non-governmental organizations. The author points out that despite the apparent trend of the development of multilateral treaties in the direction of their accessibility to the largest possible number of states, the current state of international law does not give grounds to assert that there is an automatic right of states to accede to the treaties, the elaboration of which these states did not participate. The article analyses the practice of different states on the accession to the international treaties.
International law, international treaty, accession, the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.
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