The essence of the problems and ways of improving the single-channel system of financial support of health care system implemented in the Russian Federation today are described in the article. The basic advantages (payment of the final result, the principle of extraterritoriality, etc.) and disadvantages of this type of financing (the growth of corruption in health care facilities, the claiming by regional authorities in advance reduced volumes of work of medical institutions under the territorial program programs of compulsory health insurance etc.) are highlighted. The legal aspects of functioning of the single-channel financing system are represented. In our view the measures for optimize the work of the health system in the Russian Federation should include: transition to the new salary system of health workers and the development of basic and additional list of criteria for the effectiveness of both health professionals and managers of health facilities. The problem of satisfaction of staff requirements in the Russian health care system has a systemic, multifactorial character. Forming an interconnected list of criteria of efficiency of medical staff and their managers would allow, on the one side to attract qualified staff to the region, on the other - to improve control of financial and economic activity of the heads of medical institutions. Furthermore, these measures will allow slightly reduce social tension among health care workers, that will positively impact on the quality of medical care.
single-channel financing the health care system in Russia, health care challenges, health care reform, the main trends in health care system
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