Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Tourist organizations are destination-based institutions that draw together stakeholders with interests in tourism. Our present knowledge of the governance of such organizations is limited. The aim of this research was to explore directors’ roles and responsibilities, and determine whom they see themselves working for. Focus group interviews with 37 directors in Norwegian organizations revealed that boards undertake several responsibilities. There seemed to be a gap between what they considered important and the level of attention given to specific responsibilities. The study further revealed that a shareholder perspective was present, yet limited in the context of tourist organizations. A stakeholder perspective could partly explain their behavior. Boards of directors in tourist organizations care for many interests, not merely the organization’s owners. Theoretical and managerial implications based on the study results are highlighted.

Tourist organization, governance, shareholder, stakeholder, Norway

This paper addresses the role of boards of directors in tourist organizations, more precisely what they do and for whom they work. These questions are important for several reasons. The boards of directors possess high authority in organizations.


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