The article is devoted to the study of the question of the values of international law, in particular the value of regional integration and cooperation of states. The author analyzes the approaches to the definition of value in terms of the classical approach (“Value as a property of the valued object or as a sample on the basis of which the evaluation shall be made”) and non-classical approach (“The relationship between the object and the statement of what should be an object”). The article discusses the formation of axiology and contribution to its development of R. G. Lotze, V. Windelband, G. Rickert, P. G. Natorp. It is expressed the idea that any axiological analysis should be cultural-historical, because the relation to human values were and remain different in different periods of human history. The author notes that international law is based on the universally valid for all mankind values. They are reflected in the generally recognized principles of international law, customary international law, the universal conventions and declarations. The government and the international community were recognizing gradually the universally significant values. The crisis of international political relations at the present stage threatens the existence of fundamental principles of international law and the values protected by them. However, with the development of globalization, we can talk about the formation of new values — the regional cooperation of states for the achievement of the common good. States are forced to participate in regional integration projects in order to be able to confront the challenges of globalization and to trade with other countries in terms of global competition. The value of integration is gradually “wires” in life through activities of bodies and international officials of interstate integration associations. However the principles of regional integration and cooperation, which include liberalization of the market, free movement of goods and services, non-discrimination of participants trade, are not always clearly interpreted and applied by supranational courts; some basic guidelines are only produced. The interaction of states should be based on common elements of the legal culture, as well as on the idea of the unity of kindred peoples laid down in the legal consciousness. Otherwise integration projects may not enjoy the support of the citizens.
Axiology, value, international law, regional integration, the generally recognized principles of international law, principles of regional international law, legal culture, legal consciousness, national identity, Latin America, the Eurasian Economic Union.
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