Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article justifies the need to create an integrated theory of efficient law enforcement, and in the author’s opinion it is the interdisciplinary approach that is designed to serve this purpose. Integration of various spheres of scientific knowledge which forms the base of the interdisciplinary approach permits to consider law enforcement with reference to and in mutual interdependence of all its system elements, to reflect actual state of the law effects on social relations. The possibility emerges for the search of more efficient ways that help to disclose law enforcement in various aspects, see its new dimensions, and identify the most problematic issues of this type of activity. Conditions are created for preserving functional integrity of law enforcement, and its transfer to the qualitatively new development stage is provided, which meets modern challenges, answers requirements for innovation and modernization of this process.

Interdisciplinary approach, law enforcement practice, law enforcement, implementation of legal norms, research methodology, efficiency.

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