Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyses the experience of the Russian Federation and the Kyrgyz Republic in implementation of the provisions of the UN Convention Against Corruption on the necessity to assess relevant legal documents in order to determine their conformity from the anti-corruption point of view. The article compares regulatory actions for the subject of anti-corruption expert examination, the concept of ‘laws and regulations’ as a subject of anti-corruption expert examination, powers of bodies and organizations that conduct the examination, methodology of conducting anti-corruption expert examination, response measures when corruptogenic factors are reveled. General and special methods form the basis of the research methodology: dialectic, comparative legal, analytical method and others that are used in juridical sciences. Following the results of the research, the author sets forth the conclusion that the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Kyrgyz Republic, regulating carrying out of the anti-corruption expert examination, requires improving: it is necessary to specify the subject of the anti-corruption expert examination, in the Russian Federation it is necessary to legislate the concept of a regulatory act, and in the Kyrgyz Republic, for the efficient corruption prevention, it is necessary to confer the powers to carry out the anti-corruption expert examination to State government bodies, not to scientific organizations.

Anti-corruption expert examination, prosecutor, laws and regulations, anti-corruption factor, methodological procedures for expert examination, Ministry of Justice, petition, corruption, anti-corruption, corruption prevention.

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