Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the most significant arguments of criticism of the model of joint administration of a municipal district and a settlement, related to financial and organizational and legal aspects of the activity of the joint executive-administrative body of municipal formations of two levels. The author analyses the positions of specialists in municipal law, who provide both highly negative comments and more moderate assessments. The author evaluates the relevance of delegating the exercise of the settlement administration’s authority to the municipal district administration, taking into account the presence in the local community of public interests of various types. The author considers individual aspects of intergovernmental fiscal relations that arise after introducing the model of a joint administration of a district and a settlement, the issues of cooperation between the representative bodies of the two municipal formations with a “joint” administration, participation of deputies, representing the settlement, in the district administration activity. The author considers the mechanism that stimulates staff increase in case of existing in the administrative center of a municipal district of two independent executive-administrative bodies.

Administrative center, municipal district, urban settlement, local government, powers, joint administration.

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