The development of consumer demand in the tourism industry, the complexity of its structure, relationships, and changes forced many countries to create new, sometimes unusual tourist offers. Thus the state pays attention to the potential of the Polar Regions which previously may have seemed problematic areas of farming. A new look at the problem and considering it as a potential for the growth and development of the economy of the territory has allowed to create a solid strategy for the development of tourism in Greenland, Canada, Norway, the USA, Argentina and a number of some other states. The research experience of tourism development in the polar regions of the world has allowed to define features of the development of growth strategies and the development of tourism, the creation of tourist products and projects aimed at long-term development of the tourism sector, such as programs to support education, project financing tourism and hospitality industry, the creation of crowdsourcing projects and areas for informal communication players in the tourism market of the polar regions. Support for the development of tourism in the polar regions of states can solve the most important tasks, including national security, social development, and support for the preservation of indigenous peoples, their identity, culture, development of entrepreneurial initiative among the local population. The article analyzes the experience of government, legislative initiatives, business initiatives, non-profit and professional associations, scientific research in the countries and territories in which tourism in Polar Regions has been in existence for a long period of time, it is extremely important and urgent for the Russian Federation, having significant areas located above the Arctic Circle. The study is the basis for the reference, the system of tourism development in the polar territories of Russia, support social, cultural and entrepreneurial initiatives of the local population, creating conditions favorable economic climate in the tourism-related economic activities. The article was written by the project № 114–15–05–05–02 «Federal Agency for Tourism».
Arctic route, experience, polar, program development, tourism, the route, the expedition
Введение. Значимость проведенного исследования определяется результатами собранного и проанализированного материала, характеризующего опыт регулирования и управления развитием туристской сферы со стороны государства и бизнеса, а также программ, реализуемых некоммерческими и негосударственными фондами и объединениями, научным сообществом.
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