This article examines the sources of law relating to the liability for the crime of aggression. Currently, international treaties make the main sources of responsibility for the international crimes. However, we should not neglect customary international law, which is the major source of public international law. The role of the customary international law in the development of international law has always been dominant. In accordance with customary international law the main international Conventions were adopted on the maintenance of peace and security. These international treaties are the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907, the Kellogg — Briand Pact of 1928; also the London conference of 1933, and the Nuremberg military Tribunal. Resultant was the definition of aggression laid down in the Resolution 3314 (XXIX) of the United Nations General Assembly on 14th December 1974. The International Court of Justice relies on said Resolution. However, the customary international law must be further developed since the crime of aggression can be committed by non-military methods.
International custom, convention, source of law, aggression, international crime.
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