Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
BISAC SCI043000 Research & Methodology
The current article is devoted to search tools for determining the optimal solution and forming the optimal company strategy for small innovative companies in the business innovation environment of the oil and gas complex. The main area of research in the article is the reasons for the difficulties of innovative Russian entrepreneurship and its entry into the domestic market and work in this market. We also consider tools such as SWIFT-analysis of assessment and forecasting of the company's performance, the portfolio model of BCG (Boston consulting group), a multi-factor matrix for selecting strategies for the most effective planning of the company's activities, as an improved version of the Arthur D. Little model. At the same time, the study revealed that a wider range of project and strategic opportunities for planning and managing a company is formed by the production and economic matrix using SWOT analysis. Thus, based on this study, the following recommendations were formulated for beginning entrepreneurs and developers in the field of innovation: take into account and apply the strategy for small innovative enterprises according to the SWOT analysis for monitoring and forecasting upcoming events (production or economic); use marketing research tools, as well as forms for planning a product plan for the life of the company; take into account that the forecast should be based on strategic analysis, using the optimal method for specific goals, and be the starting point for developing new models and business development plans.
business strategies, cascading strategy, SWOT analysis, product plan
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