Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
BISAC MAT008000 Discrete Mathematics
The article describes the solution to the problem of teaching programming skills using modern techniques and additional software. It is proposed to use simulation modeling of interaction developed by users as part of the training of intellectual agents in a competitive form that implement various algorithms as the main approach to the solution. Intellectual agents are presented in the form of artificial intelligence developed by platform users, which interacts with other intellectual agents following the rules of the developed scenario for the competition. Scenarios provide a set of capabilities for intelligent agents, an interaction environment, and a set of constraints that participants follow. To support this simulation, it is proposed to use a specialized software platform. The platform allows organizers to develop scenarios with a unique set of rules, and additional platform tools speed up development and allow organizers to implement visual display to users that can be used to show competitive process. A set of built-in platform tools allows organizers to focus directly on the rules of the competition, since the platform provides communication with participants and additional tools for calculating the results of the competition. In additional there is a set of basic competition systems on the platform. However, if necessary, the organizers can present their own competition format and implement it separately. The article describes the developed platform for teaching and holding competitions in artificial intelligence. The article also examines a number of scenarios and intelligent agents.
artificial intelligence, intellectual agent, artificial intelligence competitions
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