Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This work is devoted to the application of a generalized computational experiment for a comparative assessment of numerical methods accuracy. The construction of a generalized computational experiment is based on the simultaneous solution using parallel computations in a multitasking mode of a basic problem with different input parameters, obtaining results in the form of multidimensional data volumes and their visual analysis. This approach can be effective in problems of verification of numerical methods. A comparative assessment of the accuracy for solvers of the open software package OpenFOAM is carried out. The classic inviscid problem of oblique shock wave is used as a basic task. Variations of the key parameters of the problem — the Mach number and angle of attack — are considered. An example of constructing error surfaces is given when the solvers of the OpenFOAM software package are compared. The concept of an error index is introduced as an integral characteristic of deviations from the exact solution for each solver in the class of problems under consideration. The surfaces of deviations from the exact solution in the L2 norm, constructed for each solver, together with the calculated error indices, make it possible to obtain a complete picture of the accuracy of the solvers under consideration for the class of problems defined by the ranges of variation of the Mach number and angle of attack.

generalized computational experiment, numerical methods, verification problems, error index

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