Russian Federation
Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
GRNTI 29.15 Ядерная физика
OKSO 14.02.01 Атомные электрические станции и установки
BBK 22 Физико-математические науки
TBK 5442 Энергетическое и промышленное строительство
A pressure compensator is a technical pressure vessel with a special design that compensates for changes in the volume of water in a closed loop when it is heated. It is a design feature of two-circuit reactors with pressurized water as a coolant (including heavy water reactors) used at nuclear power plants, nuclear submarines and ships and is usually considered as part of a technological system that maintains the pressure in the primary circuit in stationary modes and pressure deviations in transient and emergency modes of the reactor plant. The pressure compensator is at the same time a system for providing the required pressure and compensating for changes in the volume of the coolant in the primary circuit, therefore it has a double name - in technical documentation and literature it can be called both a pressure compensator and a volume compensator.
pressure compensation, pressure compensation systems, nuclear power plant, reactor plant, pressurized water power reactor
1. V.I. Polunichev, A.F. Filimonov Vozmozhnye puti povysheniya resursa aktivnyh zon s cirkonievymi elementami TVS dlya perspektivnyh reaktornyh ustanovok sudov i ASMM // Trudy NGTU im. R.E. Alekseeva. 2019. № 127.
2. V.I. Polunichev, A.F. Filimonov, A.E. Pomysuhina Gazovydelenie i gazoperenos v oborudovanii pervogo kontura reaktornoy ustanovki s gazovoy sistemoy kompensacii davleniya // Trudy NGTU im. R.E. Alekseeva. 2019. № 126.
3. Zverev D. L., Pahomov A. N., Polunichev V. I., Veshnyakov K.B., Kabin S.V. «Atomnaya energiya», t. 113, vyp. 6, 2012, S.323-328.
4. M.A.Berberova, «Assessment of personnel actions in the most dangerous accidents», E3S Web of Conferences 209, 03007 (2020) ENERGY-21.
5. M.A.Berberova, S.S.Zolotarev, «NPP risk assessments results dependence study on the composition of the population living around the NPP (on the example of Rostov and Kalinin NPP)», GraphiCon 2019 Computer Graphics and Vision. The 29th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Vision. Conference Proceedings (2019), Bryansk, Russia, September 23-26, 2019, Vol-2485, urn:nbn:de:0074-2485-1, ISSN 1613-0073, DOI: 10.30987/graphicon-2019-2-285-289,, p. 285-289.
6. M.A.Berberova, K.I.Chernyavskii, «Comparative assessment of the NPP risk (on the example of Rostov and Kalinin NPP). Development of risk indicators atlas for Russian NPPs», GraphiCon 2019 Computer Graphics and Vision. The 29th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Vision. Conference Proceedings (2019), Bryansk, Russia, September 23-26, 2019, Vol-2485, urn:nbn:de:0074-2485-1, ISSN 1613-0073, DOI: 10.30987/graphicon-2019-2-290-294,, p. 290-294.
7. M.A. Berberova, A.V.Dmitriev, A.V.Golubkov, A.I.Elizarov, «Calculation of the probabilistic safety analysis and reliability by the fault trees and event trees methods», GraphiCon 2019 Computer Graphics and Vision. The 29th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Vision. Conference Proceedings (2019), Bryansk, Russia, September 23-26, 2019, Vol-2485, urn:nbn:de:0074-2485-1, ISSN 1613-0073, DOI: 10.30987/graphicon-2019-2-316-320,, p. 316-320.
8. Vyacheslav Andreev, Olga Andreeva, Vasiliy Gai and Maria Berberova «Determining the Resource of Safe Operation for Objects by Images», E3S Web of Conferences 209, 03007 (2020) ENERGY-21.