This literature review is devoted to the study of the contribution of polymorphic variants of DNA repair genes to the formation of individual sensitivity to environmental factors
DNA repair genes, individual sensitivity, gene polymorphism
1. Caporaso, N. Genetic susceptibility and cancer risk / N. Caporaso, N. Rothman // See Ref. – 1998. – V. 35. – P. 205-218.
2. Bois, F. Y. Modeling human interindividual variability in metabolism and risk: the example of 4-aminobiphenyl / F. Y. Bois, G. Krowech, L. Zeise // Risk Anal. – 1995. – V. 15. – P. 205-213.
3. Coelho, P. Genotoxic effect of exposure to metal(loid)s. A molecular epidemiology survey of populations living and working in Panasqueira mine area, Portugal / P. Coelho [et al.] // Environ Int. – 2013. – V. 60. – P. 163-170.
4. Larionov, A.V. DNA excision repair and double-strand break repair gene polymorphisms and the level of chromosome aberration in children with long-term exposure to radon / A.V. Larionov [et al.] // International Journal of Radiation Biology. – 2016. – V. 92(8). – P. 466-474.
5. Sinitsky, M. Y. Association of DNA repair gene polymorphisms with genotoxic stress in underground coal miners / M. Y. Sinitsky [et al.] // Mutagenesis. – 2017. – V. 32(5). – P. 501-509.
6. Djansugurova, L. The effects of DNA repair polymorphisms on chromosome aberrations in the population of Kazakhstan / L. Djansugurova [et al.] // Int J Radiat Biol. – 2020. – V. 96(5). – P. 614-621.