Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
This paper is written in order to summarizes the role of electromagnetic fields in the origin and evolution of life on Earth, as well as hazard and benefit from electromagnetic fields. It is an attempt to show that today the mankind and the entire biosphere are subjected to a global experiment conducted without protocol, monitoring and even knowing the parameters of the applied electromagnetic fields. At the same time, electromagnetic fields used in magnetotherapy has been proven to be beneficial in treatment of various health problems. Magnetotherapy is non-invasive, safe, and easily applied methods to directly treat the site of injury, the source of pain, and inflammation. The development of advanced communication technologies year after year increases the hazard for the biosphere and mankind. The paper discuses the contradiction between scientists and technological engineers in the line thermal or nonthermal are effects of electromagnetic fields. The specific problems with children health are analyzed. It focused on the facts that at the end of the second decade of this century more aggressive mobile communications, such as 4G and especially 5G are being introduced in the North America and Europe without any attempt to evaluate the hazard for civilization.

Ключевые слова:
electromagnetic fields, mobile communication, public health, protect children

The contemporary science recognizes that natural electromagnetic and especially magnetic fields have been factors that accompanied the development and evolution of the planet Earth and life on the planet. In historic sense, people understood early that some natural material might help in some cases of injuries and diseases. A legend suggests that a Greek shepherd in the hills near the village of Magnesia (which exists today in Turkey under the same name) found stones that attracted his sandals, and soon these stones were used to treat certain maladies.

Список литературы

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