Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Реологические измерения в пищевой промышленности играют важную роль в определении физических характеристик сырья, полуфабрикатов и готовых продуктов. Цель работы состояла в исследовании влияния ингредиентов и параметров процесса гомогенизации на реологические свойства майонеза с добавлением тыквенного и рисового масел, а также различных сортов мёда. Для приготовления опытных образцов майонеза в качестве нетрадиционных ингредиентов использовали тыквенное масло холодного отжима и рафинированное рисовое масло, а также четыре сорта мёда (акациевый, липовый, лесной и весенний). Приготовление майонеза осуществляли традиционным способом на лабораторном гомогенизаторе Ultra Turrax T25 IKA (диапазон скоростей вращения ротора 3500–24 000 об/мин). Реологические свойства меда и опытных образцов майонеза определяли на ротационном вискозиметре Brookfield. Сравнительный анализ реологических показателей меда показал, что высокую вязкость имеет лесной мед, а низкую – липовый. Введение в рецептуру майонеза различных сортов мёда повлияло на реологические свойства готового продукта. Образец майонеза с лесным медом имел высокие значения эффективной вязкости (3,427 Па·с) и коэффициента консистенции (101,26 Па·сn). Использование сухой сыворотки в качестве молочного компонента при приготовлении майонеза с добавлением тыквенного и рисового масел позволило получить продукт с лучшими реологическими показателями. Также положительное влияние, по сравнению с другими углеводами, на консистенцию майонеза оказало введение инулина HD (эффективная вязкость 2,801 ± 0,001 Па·с, индекс текучести 0,2630 ± 0,0020). Используемые дисахариды обеспечивают более высокую вязкость и консистенцию майонеза, чем моносахариды. Майонез со свежим яичным желтком имел более высокую вязкость (2,656 ± 0,002 Па·с) и консистенцию (65,640 ± 0,004 Па·с) по сравнению с добавлением других яичных продуктов. Реологические характеристики майонеза также зависят от продолжительности гомогенизации и частоты вращения ротора гомогенизатора. Увеличение продолжительности гомогенизации с 2 до 4 мин при частоте вращения ротора гомогенизатора 10 000 об/мин повышало вязкость эмульсии с 6,253 до 8,736 Па·с и коэффициент консистенции – с 77,42 до 134,24 Па·сn, а также снижало индекс текучести с 0,2628 до 0,1995. Частота вращения ротора гомогенизатора в диапазоне 10 000–12 000 об/мин является оптимальной для майонеза с добавлением тыквенного и рисового масел и меда. Исследованные образцы майонеза с тыквенным и рисовым маслом, а также с мёдом относятся к неньютоновским системам, псевдопластическим типам жидкостей. Полученные эмпирические кривые течения с высокой степенью адекватности описываются моделью Гершеля-Балкли. Применение полученных результатов позволит повысить эффективность проектирования технологических процессов при производстве майонезов, улучшить качественные показатели готового продукта и снизить производственные издержки.

Ключевые слова:
Майонез, реологические свойства, гомогенизация, мёд, растительное масло, углеводы
Текст произведения (PDF): Читать Скачать

Food production processes are organized in such
a way as to ensure the highest quality of the finished
product. During processing, raw materials of plant
origin are exposed to various mechanical stresses. In
this regard, rheological analysis of food products is
becoming increasingly important for assessing the
quality of raw materials and finished products, as well
as for predicting the behavior of semi-finished products
during processing. In particular, it is used to determine
the structure of the product and its characteristics in
accordance with the technical regulations [1].
Mayonnaise is a multicomponent, finely dispersed
water-fat emulsion of the direct oil-in-water type that
is stable over a wide temperature range [2–4]. In this
product, vegetable oil is an internal phase in the form
of tiny drops in a dispersion medium [5].
According to the standard, high-calorie mayonnaise
must contain more than 50% of edible vegetable oil,
which forms its fat phase [6]. Mayonnaise is classified
as a promising food product due to its composition
and sensory properties. Also, it is used as a seasoning
for various dishes. By enhancing the food’s nutritional
value and taste, mayonnaise stimulates appetite and
improves digestion. It is a product of high biological
and physiological value [7].
Vegetable oil is one of the main components
of mayonnaise that contributes to its sensory and
physicomechanical properties [8]. The oil content has
a significant effect on the product’s rheological properties
such as yield strength, as well as storage and loss moduli.
A combination of sunflower and pumpkin seed oils
can provide an optimal composition of fatty acids and
tocopherols, natural antioxidants that improve nutritional
and sensory properties of mayonnaise. In particular,
sunflower oil enriches the product with essential linoleic
acid, while cold-pressed pumpkin oil is rich in oleic acid
and gamma-tocopherol, contributing to longer shelf life.
In addition, the latter’s aroma and color can enhance
the product’s sensory properties.
Other main ingredients of mayonnaise are milk proteins,
egg powder, stabilizers, and water. Fat-soluble
vitamins, sugar, salt, mustard, and various flavor additives
are present in small amounts [9].
Powdered milk, egg powder, and vegetable phospholipids
are used as emulsifiers [10]. Powdered milk
is also a structure-forming agent, since milk proteins
swell in the presence of moisture, increasing the waterretaining
capacity of mayonnaise [11].
Mustard powder is used as a flavor additive, as well
as an emulsifier and a structure-forming agent due to its
proteins. Mustard powder should be dry, with a sharp
smell of allyl oil and a light yellow color. Mustard
paste should be free of mustiness and bitterness [12].
Acetic acid improves the taste and enhances
bactericidal properties of mayonnaise. Water is needed
to dissolve salt and sugar, as well as to dissolve and
swell milk proteins and other ingredients.
Vegetable oil contained in mayonnaise provides the
human body with physiologically active (essential) fatty
acids, which lower blood cholesterol and help prevent
atherosclerosis. Milk and egg powder are sources of
proteins and essential amino acids, while sugar is a
source of carbohydrates. Organic acids (acetic and citric)
improve digestion, provide the required acidity and
bactericidal purity, and determine taste and aroma [11].
Mayonnaise is a direct-type emulsion that is easily
absorbed by the body. This fact and the content of
vegetable oil determine its nutritional value [14].
Egg yolks act as emulsifiers mainly due to the
presence of phospholipids, as well as high and low
density lipoproteins. Vinegar, salt, sugar, and mustard
are added to mayonnaise for flavor. These ingredients
play an important role in the physical stability of
the emulsion [15, 16]. Lutein, phycocyanin and other
compounds, as well as processed beets and fruit
components provide mayonnaise with oxidation stability
and contribute to its taste and color, enhancing
consumer interest [10, 17–19]. Rheological properties
are an important quality criterion for food products,
including water-fat emulsions (mayonnaise, sauces, and
margarine) [20]. They are responsible for the product’s
consistency and quality during production, storage, and
transportation [21, 22]. The rheological characteristics
of mayonnaise are mainly determined by its fat phase,
as well as thickeners, stabilizers, and emulsifiers in
its formulation [23]. The product’s quality, stability,
and viscosity depend on the homogenization process,
the dispersion of fat droplets in the continuous water
phase, egg yolk, the type of carbohydrates, as well as
the amount and type of milk [24–27]. In this type of
emulsion, fat droplets are mechanically dispersed in
the continuous water phase of acetic acid, while natural
emulsifiers from egg yolk (phospholipids and proteins)
ensure greater stabilization of the entire system [28].
The homogenization parameters (rotor speed and time)
and the choice of a rotor-stator system, which forms
fat droplets of a larger or smaller diameter, determine
the medium’s stability and play an important role in
the formation of a water-fat emulsion [29–31].
We aimed to study the rheological and textural
properties of mayonnaise containing pumpkin and rice
oils, as well as various types of honey. We also sought
to determine the influence of process parameters and
the composition of the oil phase on the rheological
properties of mayonnaise.
Study objects and methods
High-calorie mayonnaise with pumpkin and rice oils
was formulated from refined sunflower oil, cold-pressed
pumpkin seed oil, and refined rice oil (fat phase); egg
products (fresh and pasteurized egg yolks and whole
egg powder); carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, lactose,
Bredikhin S.A. et al. Food Processing: Techniques and Technology. 2022;52(4):739–749
sucrose, inulin HD); acetic acid; sea salt; mustard; dairy
products (whole milk, skimmed milk, and whey powders);
tartaric acid; distilled water; and banana puree (Table 1).
Mayonnaise with the addition of honey was formulated
from refined sunflower oil (fat phase), egg yolk, honey,
acetic acid, sea salt, tartaric acid, and distilled water
(Table 2).
The fat phase of mayonnaise consisted of refined
sunflower oil (Sloboda, Russia), cold-pressed pumpkin
seed oil (Organic brand), and refined rice oil (Tayra,
Thailand). Vinegar, sea salt, and mustard were bought
at a local shop. Egg yolk was purchased from a private
supplier and prepared both fresh and pasteurized. Four
types of honey (acacia, spring, linden, and forest) were
purchased from a private supplier (Moscow region).
The milk component consisted of whole milk powder
(26.3% proteins, 39.8% sugars, 26% fats), skimmed milk
powder (1.5% fat) (Tagris), and whey powder (2% milk
fat, 12–14% proteins, 74% lactose) (Vita-Max). The
carbohydrates glucose, sucrose, fructose, lactose, tartaric
acid, and inulin HD were purchased from Novaprodukt.
Tartaric acid was added as an acidity regulator. The
fruit component (banana puree) was prepared by peeling
bananas, cutting them into pieces, and crushing by stirring
to obtain a homogenized sample.
Mayonnaise preparation. Mayonnaise samples
(300 g) with pumpkin and rice oils were prepared in the
traditional way on a T25 Ultra Turrax IKA laboratory
homogenizer, using a S25 D-14 G-KS rotor-stator system
with a rotor speed of 3500–24 000 rpm. For this, we
pre-weighed the ingredients (fresh egg yolk, vinegar,
water, and others) and mixed them with half of sunflower
oil. Then, we turned on the homogenizer and slowly
added the rest of sunflower oil, as well as pumpkin
seed and rice oils. The mixture was homogenized for
3 min at 10 000 rpm at room temperature, followed by
rheological analysis. Other samples were prepared in the
same way, with varying ingredients and homogenization
parameters depending on the formulation.
Rheological properties. The rheological analysis
of freshly prepared mayonnaise samples with pumpkin
and rice oils was performed on a Brookfield rotational
viscometer with coaxial cylinders. The viscometer was
connected to a computer equipped with Rheocalc 3.2
software for measurements and data processing. The
measurements were taken at 25 and 10°C. The temperatures
were maintained using a TC-501P Brookfield
thermostat. In particular, we determined the dependence
of shear stress (τ) and effective viscosity (μ) on shear
rate (D) in the ranges of 2.15–136.6 1/s (increasing
measurement) and 136.6–2.15 1/s (reverse measurement).
We also studied the phenomenon of thixotropy, i.e. the
ability to restore viscous and plastic properties after
the load is removed and deformation ceases.
The experimental data showed the rheological
model of mayonnaise. Particularly, the samples had
non-Newtonian properties and belonged to pseudoplastic
fluids. The rheological parameters of consistency
coefficient (k) and flow index (n) were calculated using
the linear regression method in Microsoft Excel.
Formula (1) describes the Ostwald-Reiner power
law used to calculate the rheological parameters.
τ = k·Dn (1)
where τ is the shear stress, Pa; D is the shear rate, 1/s;
k is the consistency coefficient, Pa·sn; n is the flow index.
Formula (2) was used to calculate effective viscosity
of the mayonnaise sample:
μ = k·Dn-1 (2)
where μ is the effective viscosity, Pa·s.
Statistical analysis. All the experiments were carried
out in triplicate. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
Table 1. Formulation of mayonnaise with pumpkin
and rice oils
Таблица 1. Рецептура для приготовления майонеза
с добавлением тыквенного и рисового масел
Formulation Sample
Content, % Weight, g
Refined sunflower oil 50.0 150.0
Cold-pressed pumpkin seed oil 12.5 37.5
Refined rice oil 12.5 37.5
Egg products 6.2 18.6
Dairy products 2.1 6.3
Carbohydrates 2.2 6.6
Acetic acid 3.0 9.0
Sea salt 0.9 2.7
Mustard 0.2 0.6
Tartaric acid 0.1 0.3
Distilled water 7.8 23.4
Banana puree 2.5 7.5
TOTAL 100 300
Table 2. Formulation of mayonnaise with honey
Таблица 2. Рецептура приготовления майонеза с добавлением
Formulation Sample
Content, % Weight, g
Refined sunflower oil 75.0 225.0
Fresh egg yolk 7.7 23.1
Honey 3.8 11.4
Acetic acid 4.0 12.0
Sea salt 0.9 2.7
Tartaric acid 0.1 0.3
Distilled water 8.5 25.5
TOTAL 100 300
Бредихин С. А. [и др.] Техника и технология пищевых производств. 2022. Т. 52. № 4. С. 739–749
was used to establish the significance of differences in
the experimental data. Data management and analysis
was performed using SPSS software and presented as
mean ± standard deviation.
Results and discussion
Rheological properties of mayonnaise with honey.
We determined the influence of honey varieties
and homogenization parameters on the rheological
properties of mayonnaise measured at 25°C (Figs. 1
and 2, Tables 3–6). Figure 1 shows the relationship between
shear stress and shear rate for spring honey.
According to the results, honey belongs to Newtonian
fluids, since the line passed through the origin of the
coordinate system (Fig. 1). Table 3 presents the rheological
properties of the studied honey varieties expressed
in terms of rheological parameters.
As can be seen in Table 3, forest honey had the
highest viscosity and consistency coefficient, while
linden honey had the lowest viscosity.
The relationship between shear stress and shear
rate for mayonnaise with acacia honey indicated that
the samples with honey exhibited non-Newtonian,
pseudoplastic properties (Fig. 2).
Li et al. confirmed that mayonnaise is a non-Newtonian
fluid that exhibits yield strength, pseudoplasticity,
and thixotropy [32]. Sakai et al. reported the
pseudoplastic behavior of mayonnaise with characteristics
depending on the raw material [10].
Empirical flow curves with a high degree of adequacy
are described by the Herschel-Bulkley model.
Table 4 shows the effect of honey on the rheological
parameters of mayonnaise homogenized at 10 000 rpm
for 2 min at 25°C.
The control mayonnaise with acacia honey had an
effective viscosity of 3.118 ± 0.001 Pa·s, a shear rate of
77.82 1/s, a consistency coefficient of 77.420 ± 0.125 Pa·sn,
and a flow index of 0.2624 ± 0.0003 measured at
25°C. The sample with linden honey had slightly higher
effective viscosity (3.294 ± 0.002 Pa·sn) and consistency
coefficient (78.460 ± 0.002 Pa·sn) compared to
the acacia honey mayonnaise. Forest honey showed
higher viscosity (3.4270 ± 0.0005 Pa·sn) and consistency
(101.260 ± 0.002 Pa·sn) but a lower flow index
(0.2224 ± 0.0002) compared to the other samples.
Tables 5 and 6 show the effects of homogenization
time and rotor speed on the rheological properties of
mayonnaise with acacia honey measured at 25°C.
As can be seen in Table 5, the homogenization time of
2 min led to an effective viscosity of 6.253 ± 0.001 Pa·s
at a shear rate of 30.36 1/s, a consistency coefficient of
77.42 ± 0.04 Pa·sn, and a flow index of 0.2628 ± 0.0002.
Increasing the time to 4 min contributed to higher
viscosity (8.7360 ± 0.0005 Pa·s) and consistency
(134.240 ± 0.125 Pa·sn) but a lower flow index
(0.1995 ± 0.0002).
Table 6 shows the effect of the rotor speed (10 000
and 12 000 rpm) during 2 min of homogenization on
Table 3. Rheological properties of honeys measured
at 25°C
Таблица 3. Реологические свойства различных сортов меда,
измеренные при 25 °C
Honey variety μ*, Pa·s k, Pa·sn n
Spring honey 4.9446 6.4789 0.8950
Forest honey 16.6509 17.3020 0.9851
Linden honey 4.7719 7.3144 0.8341
Acacia honey 5.8413 6.0930 0.9837
*Effective viscosity at shear rate of 77.82 1/s.
*Эффективная вязкость при скорости сдвига 77,82 1/с.
Figure 1. Relationship between shear stress and shear rate
for spring honey at 25°C
Рисунок 1. Зависимость между напряжением сдвига и
скоростью сдвига весеннего меда при 25 °C
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Shear stress, Pa
Shear rate, 1/s
Figure 2. Relationship between shear stress and shear rate
for mayonnaise with acacia honey (10 000 rpm, 2 min)
at 25°C
Рисунок 2. Зависимость напряжения сдвига и скорости сдвига
майонеза с акациевым медом (10 000 об/мин, 2 мин) при 25 °C
5 20 35 50 65 80 95
Shear stress, Pa
Shear rate, 1/s
Bredikhin S.A. et al. Food Processing: Techniques and Technology. 2022;52(4):739–749
the rheological parameters of mayonnaise with acacia
honey measured at 25°C.
As can be seen, the rotor speed changed the rheological
properties of mayonnaise. In particular, the
speed of 10 000 rpm resulted in the effective viscosity
of 6.253 ± 0.001 Pa·s at a shear rate of 30.36 1/s,
a consistency coefficient of 77.42 ± 0.04 Pa·sn, and a
flow index of 0.2628 ± 0.0002. Increasing the rotor
speed to 12000 rpm produced a more stable emulsion
with higher effective viscosity (8.039 ± 0.029 Pa·s)
and consistency (102.320 ± 0.125 Pa·sn). The emulsion’s
higher stability was due to finer fat droplets formed
at the rotor speed of 12,000 rpm, which were finely
dispersed in the water phase. Thus, this speed was
more optimal than 10 000 rpm.
Rheological properties of mayonnaise with
pumpkin and rice oils. Figure 3 and in Tables 7–11
show the effects of ingredients on the rheological
properties of mayonnaise with pumpkin and rice oils
measured at 25 and 10°C.
Figure 3 features the relationship between shear
stress and shear rate measured at 25°C.
We found that the tested samples exhibited non-
Newtonian, pseudoplastic properties, as well as thixotropy.
The empirical flow curves are described by the Herschel-
Bulkley model with a high degree of adequacy.
Table 7 shows the effect of milk components on the
rheological parameters of mayonnaise homogenized
for 3 min at 10 000 rpm.
Table 5. Effect of homogenization time on the rheological properties of mayonnaise with acacia honey
Таблица 5. Влияние продолжительности гомогенизации на реологиче ские свойства майонеза с акациевым медом
Sample, min μ*, Pa·s k, Pa·sn n R2
2 6.253 ± 0.001 77.42 ± 0.04 0.2628 ± 0.0002 0,994
4 8.7350 ± 0.0005 134.240 ± 0.125 0.1995 ± 0.0002 0,964
*Effective viscosity at shear rate of 30.36 1/с. R2 is the coefficient of determination.
*Эффективная вязкость при скорости сдвига 30,36 1/с. R2 – коэффициент детерминации.
Table 4. Effect of honey variety on the rheological parameters of mayonnaise
Таблица 4. Влияние сорта меда на реологические параметры майоне за
Honey variety μ*, Pa·s k, Pa·sn n R2
Spring honey 3.083 ± 0.001 63.110 ± 0.029 0.3067 ± 0.0040 0.968
Forest honey 3.4270 ± 0.0005 101.260 ± 0.002 0.2224 ± 0.0002 0.990
Linden honey 3.294 ± 0.002 78.460 ± 0.002 0.2719 ± 0.0002 0.989
Acacia honey 3.118 ± 0.002 77.420 ± 0.125 0.2624 ± 0.0003 0.994
*Effective viscosity at shear rate of 77.82 1/s. R2 is the coefficient of determination.
*Эффективная вязкость при скорости сдвига 77,82 1/с. R2 – коэффициент детерминации.
Table 6. Effect of the rotor speed on the rheological properties of mayonnaise with acacia honey
Таблица 6. Влияние частоты вращения ротора на реологические сво йства майонеза с акациевым медом
Sample, rpm μ*, Pa·s k , Pa·sn n R2
10 000 6.253 ± 0.010 77.42 ± 0.04 0.2628 ± 0.0002 0.994
12 000 8.039 ± 0.029 102.320 ± 0.125 0.2547 ± 0.0002 0.982
*Effective viscosity at shear rate of 30.36 1/s. R2 is the coefficient of determination.
*Эффективная вязкость при скорости сдвига 30,36 1/с. R2 – коэффициент детерминации.
Figure 3. Flow curves for mayonnaise with pumpkin
and rice oils at 25°C
Рисунок 3. Кривые течения майонеза с добавлением
тыквенного и рисового масел при 25 °C
0,1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Effective viscosity, Pa·s
Shear stress, Pa
Shear rate, 1/s
Shear stress
Effective viscosity
0,1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Effective viscosity, Pa·s
Shear stress, Pa
Shear rate, 1/s
Shear stress
Effective viscosity
Бредихин С. А. [и др.] Техника и технология пищевых производств. 2022. Т. 52. № 4. С. 739–749
Table 7. Effect of milk component on the rheological properties of mayonnaise with pumpkin and rice oils
Таблица 7. Влияние молочного компонента на реологические свойст ва майонеза c добавлением тыквенного и рисового масел
Sample μ*, Pa·s k, Pa·sn n R2 μ*, Pa·s k, Pa·sn n R2
25 °C 10 °C
2.2290 ± 0.0002 46.870 ± 0.078 0.3005 ± 0.0030 0.998 2.7120 ± 0.0002 54.840 ± 0.029 0.3095 ± 0.0030 0.998
2.3430 ± 0.0002 55.210 ± 0.004 0.2744 ± 0.0030 0.997 2.9990 ± 0.0002 67.110 ± 0.002 0.2863 ± 0.0030 0.987
2.3910 ± 0.0002 57.180 ± 0.003 0.2710 ± 0.0020 0.990 3.0550 ± 0.0002 69.090 ± 0.002 0.2838 ± 0.0020 0.995
*Effective viscosity at shear rate of 77.82 1/s. R2 is the coefficient of determination.
*Эффективная вязкость при скорости сдвига 77,82 1/с. R2 – коэффициент детерминации.
Table 8. Effect of carbohydrate composition on the rheological properties of mayonnaise with pumpkin and rice oils
Таблица 8. Влияние углеводного состава на реологические свойств а майонеза с добавлением тыквенного и рисового масел
Sample μ*, Pa·s k, Pa·sn n R2 μ*, Pa·s k, Pa·sn n R2
25 °C 10 °C
Glucose 2.392 ± 0.004 57.160 ± 0.078 0.2712 ± 0.0010 0.990 3.052 ± 0.004 69.060 ± 0.029 0.2837 ± 0.0010 0.995
Fructose 1.997 ± 0.003 39.050 ± 0.003 0.3172 ± 0.0020 0.997 2.464 ± 0.003 55.620 ± 0.002 0.2842 ± 0.0020 0.989
Sucrose 2.425 ± 0.002 58.630 ± 0.004 0.2685 ± 0.0030 0.992 3.024 ± 0.002 70.150 ± 0.002 0.2780 ± 0.0030 0.995
Lactose 2.748 ± 0.001 68.480 ± 0.002 0.2615 ± 0.0020 0.993 3.031 ± 0.001 77.510 ± 0.001 0.2556 ± 0.0020 0.984
2.801 ± 0.001 69.360 ± 0.002 0.2630 ± 0.0020 0.992 3.051 ± 0.001 78.920 ± 0.004 0.2530 ± 0.0020 0.983
*Effective viscosity at shear rate of 77.82 1/s. R2 is the coefficient of determination.
*Эффективная вязкость при скорости сдвига 77,82 1/с. R2 – коэффициент детерминации.
Table 9. Effect of egg products on the rheological properties of mayonnaise
Таблица 9. Влияние яичных продуктов на реологические свойства м айонеза
Sample μ*, Pa·s k, Pa·sn n R2 μ*, Pa·s k, Pa·sn n R2
25 °C 10 °C
egg yolk
2.656 ± 0.002 65.640 ± 0.004 0.2634 ± 0.0020 0.991 3.144 ± 0.001 73.520 ± 0.004 0.2761 ± 0.0020 0.998
egg yolk
2.391 ± 0.002 57.150 ± 0.003 0.2711 ± 0.0002 0.990 3.054 ± 0.002 69.090 ± 0.003 0.2838 ± 0.0030 0.995
egg powder
2.504 ± 0.001 54.230 ± 0.002 0.2937 ± 0.0030 0.999 3.116 ± 0.002 71.240 ± 0.002 0.2813 ± 0.0020 0.997
*Effective viscosity at shear rate of 77.82 1/s. R2 is the coefficient of determination.
*Эффективная вязкость при скорости сдвига 77,82 1/с. R2 – коэффициент детерминации.
Table 10. Effect of homogenization time on the rheological properties of mayonnaise with pumpkin and rice oils
Таблица 10. Влияние продолжительности гомогенизации на реологич еские свойства майонеза с добавлением тыквенного
и рисового масел
μ*, Pa·s k, Pa·sn n R2 μ*, Pa·s k, Pa·sn n R2
25 °C 10 °C
1 1.548 ± 0.002 42.150 ± 0.004 0.2887 ± 0.0020 0.991 2.244 ± 0.001 60.410 ± 0.004 0.2908 ± 0.0020 0.998
3 1.939 ± 0.002 57.150 ± 0.003 0.2711 ± 0.0020 0.990 2.485 ± 0.002 69.099 ± 0.003 0.2838 ± 0.0030 0.995
5 1.758 ± 0.001 53.610 ± 0.002 0.3282 ± 0.0030 0.999 2.208 ± 0.002 58.760 ± 0.002 0.3026 ± 0.0020 0.997
*Effective viscosity at shear rate of 103.8 1/s. R2 is the coefficient of determination.
*Эффективная вязкость при скорости сдвига 103,8 1/с. R2 – коэффициент детерминации.
Bredikhin S.A. et al. Food Processing: Techniques and Technology. 2022;52(4):739–749
The control mayonnaise made from whey powder
had an effective viscosity of 2.3910 ± 0.0002 Pa·s, a
consistency index of 57.180 ± 0.003 Pa·sn, and a flow
index of 0.271 ± 0.002 measured at 25°C. Using skimmed
milk powder led to lower effective viscosity
(2.2290 ± 0.0002 Pa·sn) and consistency (46.870 ±
0.078 Pa·sn) but a higher flow index (0.3005 ± 0.0030),
compared to the samples with whole milk and whey
powders. Thus, whey powder contributed to higher consistency
and viscosity of mayonnaise with pumpkin
and rice oils measured at 25°C. When measured at 10°C,
the rheological parameters showed higher values than
those obtained at 25°C, which confirmed the effect
of temperature on the rheological properties.
Table 8 shows the effect of carbohydrate type on
the rheological parameters of mayonnaise homogenized
for 3 min at 10 000 rpm. The measurements were taken
at 25 and 10°C.
The control mayonnaise was prepared with glucose.
We found that the use of glucose and fructose
monosaccharides lowered effective viscosity and
consistency, compared to the use of sucrose and
lactose disaccharides, inulin HD, or acacia honey.
Fructose contributed to the lowest values of these parameters,
while inulin HD provided the highest consistency
(69.360 ± 0.002 Pa·s) and effective viscosity
(2.801 ± 0.001 Pa·s), but the lowest flow index (0.2630 ±
0.0020) measured at 25°C. Alvarez-Sabatel et al. found
that the content of vegetable oil and inulin affected
the stability and rheological properties of mayonnaise
homogenized in the rotor-stator system, as well
as under high pressure [17]. The same effects were
observed on the rheological parameters of the samples
with pumpkin and rice oils at 10°C.
Table 9 shows the effects of egg products on the
rheological parameters of mayonnaise with pumpkin
and rice oils homogenized for 3 min at 10 000 rpm. The
measurements were taken at 25 and 10°C.
The mayonnaise prepared with fresh egg yolk had
higher viscosity (2.656 ± 0.002 Pa·s) and consistency
(65.640 ± 0.004 Pa·sn) but a lower flow index (0.2634 ±
0.0020). Using whole egg powder resulted in higher
effective viscosity and consistency compared to pasteurized
egg yolk and lower values of these parameters
compared to fresh egg yolk. Higher values were obtained
for the rheological properties at 10°C, compared to
measurements at 25°C.
Tables 10 and 11 show the effects of homogenization
time and rotor speed on the rheological properties of
mayonnaise with pumpkin and rice oils. According to
the flow index, the mayonnaise under study belonged
to non-Newtonian fluids of the pseudoplastic type.
Table 10 shows the effect of homogenization time
(1, 3 and 5 min) at 10 000 rpm on the rheological
properties of mayonnaise measured at 25 and 10°C.
As can be seen, the sample homogenized for 1 min
had an effective viscosity of 1.548 ± 0.002 Pa·s at a shear
rate of 103.8 1/s, a consistency coefficient of 42.150 ±
0.004 Pa·sn, and a flow index of 0.2887 ± 0.0020. Increasing
homogenization time to 3 min resulted in
higher viscosity (1.936 ± 0.002 Pa·s) and consistency
(57.150 ± 0.003 Pa·sn) but a lower flow index (0.2711 ±
0.0020). A further increase to 5 min destroyed the structure
of mayonnaise and led to lower viscosity (1.758 ±
0.001 Pa·s) and consistency (53.610 ± 0.002 Pa·sn)
but a higher flow index (0.3282 ± 0.0030). Measurements
at 10°C showed the same results, but higher values
compared to those for the rheological parameters
obtained at 25°C.
Table 11 shows the effects of the rotor speed (10 000,
12 000, and 15 000 rpm) on the rheological parameters
of mayonnaise homogenized for 3 minutes. Measurements
were taken at 25 and 10°C.
As can be seen, the rotor speed affected the
rheological parameters of the samples. An increase
from 10 000 to 12 000 rpm led to higher effective
viscosity (2.281 ± 0.002 Pa·s) and consistency
(59.880 ± 0.003 Pa·s), as well as a lower flow index
(0.2242 ± 0.0020). This meant better stability since the
system formed a large number of small fat droplets finely
dispersed in the water phase of the emulsion. A further
increase to 15 000 rpm resulted in an emulsion with lower
effective viscosity (1.810 ± 0.001 Pa·s) and consistency
Table 11. Effect of the rotor speed on the rheological properties of mayonnaise with pumpkin and rice oils
Таблица 11. Влияние частоты вращения ротора на реологические св ойства майонеза с добавлением тыквенного и рисового масел
μ*, Pa·s k, Pa·sn n R2 μ*, Pa·s k, Pa·sn n R2
25 °C 10 °C
10 000 1.939 ± 0.002 57.150 ± 0.004 0.2711 ± 0.0020 0.990 2.485 ± 0.001 69.090 ± 0.004 0.2838 ± 0.0020 0.995
12 000 2.281 ± 0.002 59.880 ± 0.003 0.2242 ± 0.0020 0.999 2.515 ± 0.002 75.130 ± 0.003 0.3075 ± 0.0030 0.996
15 000 1.810 ± 0.001 38.910 ± 0.002 0.3375 ± 0.0030 0.996 2.208 ± 0.002 49.560 ± 0.002 0.3299 ± 0.0020 0.995
*Effective viscosity at shear rate of 77.82 1/s. R2 is the coefficient of determination.
*Эффективная вязкость при скорости сдвига 77,82 1/с. R2 – коэффициент детерминации.
Бредихин С. А. [и др.] Техника и технология пищевых производств. 2022. Т. 52. № 4. С. 739–749
(38.910 ± 0.002 Pa·sn), compared to the rotor speeds
of 10 000 and 12 000 rpm. Thus, such a high speed
destroyed the structure of the water-fat emulsion, resulting
in the system’s dilution. This phenomenon can
be observed when measuring the rheological properties
at 10°C.
The tested samples of mayonnaise prepared with
pumpkin and rice oils, as well as various honeys, belong
to non-Newtonian systems and pseudoplastic fluids.
Using whey powder resulted in the highest effective
viscosity and consistency, as well as the lowest flow
index. We also studied the effects of carbohydrates on
the rheological properties of mayonnaise with pumpkin
and rice oils. Mayonnaise prepared with inulin HD had
higher effective viscosity (2.801 ± 0.001 Pa·s) and consistency,
as well as a lower flow index (0.2630 ± 0.0020),
compared to the other sugars tested. Disaccharides
contributed to higher viscosity and consistency compared
to monosaccharides. Mayonnaise prepared with
fresh egg yolk had higher viscosity (2.656 ± 0.002 Pa·s)
and consistency (65.640 ± 0.004 Pa·sn). Forest honey
provided mayonnaise with higher effective viscosity and
consistency, as well as a lower flow index, compared
to spring, linden, and acacia honeys. The sample with
spring honey had the lowest effective viscosity and
consistency, as well as the highest flow index.
The rotor speed and homogenization time also affected
the rheological properties of mayonnaise. The sample
homogenized at 12 000 rpm had higher viscosity and
consistency, as well as a lower flow index, compared
to the sample prepared at 10 000 rpm. The same parameters
were obtained for the samples homogenized
for 3 min. The empirical flow curves can be adequately
described by the Herschel-Bulkley model.
Our results may be useful for formulators of edible
fatty products, especially mayonnaise. The rheological
properties are important for mayonnaise consistency
and quality control during production, storage, and
S.A. Bredikhin supervised the research. All the
authors performed the experiments, processed the data,
and wrote the manuscript.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest
regarding the publication of this article.

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