Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses current issues of differentiation of criminal proceedings. The character of the impact of criminal law on procedural form of summary court proceedings. The author successively examines the substantive basis of summary court proceedings of Russian criminal trial: a special order of the trial, a special procedure for the trial at the conclusion of the pre-trial agreement, judicial procedure under Art. 226.9 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, as well as in criminal cases of private prosecution. The author concludes that the specific substantive basis is not peculiar to each of these procedures. Legislators did not specify the substantive grounds of procedure under Sec. 40.1 Code of Criminal Procedure. The court proceedings under Art. 226.9 CPC RF does not have its own substantive basis. The article concludes that all above said demonstrates the destruction of classical chords, according to which the differentiation of criminal law determines the differentiation of criminal procedural law in sphere of differentiation of criminal procedural form. Nowadays, on the contrary, the differentiation of the criminal procedure is carried out more rapidly and dictates the transformation of criminal procedural law. The article also analyzes the causes and symptoms of this trend of development of modern legislation.

differentiation of criminal law, criminal procedure differentiation form, summary proceedings, a special procedure for the trial, pre-trial agreement on cooperation, abbreviated inquest.

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