Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the questions of moving from the monopoly of the state to development of civil society, that in Russia have some features. By the expansion of the public participating in education management there are contradictions between the necessity of realization of state-public management education and absence of sufficient experience on the decline of level of alienation of education from society and effective mechanisms of decision of this task. The authors of the article consider the principal reasons and factors, hampering becoming and development of state-public management universal education. The article exposes the new approaches to the realization of joint activity of organs of state-public education management. In the article the ground of project-activity in education management approach is given, that allows to organize the activity in the mode of development, and innovations are explored, educational potential of organization is grown, the quality of its work is improved.

state-public management by education, civil society, project-activity approach, expansion of the public participating in management, participants of educational process.

Условия развития современного российского общества с системой рыночных отношений, с субъектами гражданского общества требовали перехода к новой парадигме, который начался в конце 80-х гг. Инновационные идеи и требования получили закрепление в «Законе об образовании» 1992 г., который провозгласил «демократический, государственно-общественный характер управления образованием» [17, статья 2]. В Национальной доктрине образования Российской Федерации в качестве одной из основных задач государства в сфере образования было провозглашено «расширение участия общества в управлении образованием» [9].


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