Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
The article discusses the possibility of eff ective application of professional orientation of students for a specifi c profession. The article considers the results of monitoring of professional diagnostics of students held by teaching staff among schoolchildren who are thinking about choosing a career, among college students who committed such choice, and students who attend short-term professional courses. The complexity of this choice is explained, which is connected with lack of life experience, skills and abilities of radical approach to decision making, which puts young people in a diffi cult situation. The author analyses the activities of educational institutions aimed at assisting young people to do the critical step that determines the main direction of the path of their life. The signifi cance of the work consists in the possibility of generalization of experience of the teaching staff which can be used by other educational institutions.
professional trajectory, the choice of future profession, professional orientation, employment promotion.
Выбор профессиональной траектории будущим специалистом это важнейший шаг предопределяющий основное направление жизненного пути трудящегося.
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