Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
One of the topical problems of Russian education is to improve the quality of education in schools with low educational outcomes. Important factors in improving the quality of training and education of the younger generation are the professional growth of teachers, their career and social growth. The article presents indicators and factors of the eff ectiveness of the implementation of the model of teacher growth in schools with low educational outcomes. The material was prepared in the framework of the event 2.2 “Improving the quality of education in schools with low learning outcomes and in schools operating under adverse social conditions through the implementation of regional projects and dissemination of their results”, tasks 2 “Development of modern mechanisms and technologies of general education” of the Federal Target Program Development of education for 2016-2020.

schools with low educational outcomes, complex social conditions, indicators, indicators, teacher growth.

В рамках мероприятия 2.2 «Повышение качества образования в школах с низкими результатами обучения и в школах, функционирующих в неблагоприятных социальных условиях, путем реализации регио-нальных проектов и распространение их результатов» (задачи 2 «Развитие современных механизмов и технологий общего образования») Федеральной целевой программы развития образования на 2016–2020 гг. была разработана модель учительского роста, ориентированная на поддержку школ с низкими образовательными результатами.


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