Glazov, Izhevsk, Russian Federation
The complexity of an educational material is proportional to time (or quantity of words), which is necessary for an explanation of this material to the schoolchild with the given level of knowledge. For the estimation of the complexity of some issues of the mathematics school course the method of decomposition of operations on elementary actions, the pair comparisons method were used, and the content-analysis of some paragraphs of textbook was carried out.Thus it was taken into account: the information volumes of the paragraph; the quantities of mathematical symbols in the formulas; the quantities of the new terms which are not included in given level of knowledge; the information volumes of their defi nitions.As a result of the estimation of the didactic complexity of the 27 paragraphs of the school mathematics course we established: during training at school the complexity of issues on mathematics grows approximately in 150-200 times.
didactics, qualimetry,mathematical methods, pair comparisons, pedagogical expert operation, complexity,theory of training, textbook.
Развитие методики преподавания, совершенствование учебников и учебных пособий, создание математических и компьютерных моделей дидактических систем требуют оценки дидактических характеристик различных элементов учебного материала (ЭУМ).
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