The formation of qualitative characteristics of sausages is significantly effected by the oxidizing processes of fatty and protein fraction of meat raw materials. The orientation and intensity of processes depends both on the type of used raw materials and nutritional supplements and the parameters of each stage of technological process. The decrease in intensity of processes of peroxide oxidation of lipids is aimed at the increase in safety of ready-made products and lengthening of terms of their storage. This article presents the results of researches of effect of composition of cures on the anti-oxidizing potential of meat raw materials at the stage of salting and on the dynamics of oxidizing processes in half-smoked sausages in the course of cold storage. The properties of source raw materials, pork and beef and the properties of the combined mincemeat subjected to salting by salt and cures consisting of 70% of chloride of sodium and 30% of the composition of KCl+CaCl2 in the ratio of 1 : 1 and also with the addition of yeast extract are studied. The effect of conditions of salting on the intensity of oxidizing changes of lipid fraction and haem pigments in half-smoked sausages within 20 days of storage at a temperature of (2-6)°C is established. It is established that the decrease in the amount of salt as part of cures provides an increase in the activity of antioxidant enzymes of meat raw materials and, as a result, a decrease in the intensity of processes of oxidation of lipids and haem pigments. The addition of yeast extract to the weight of raw materials in the amount of 2% provides the strengthening of inhibiting effect on oxidation processes.
lipids, oxidation, antioxidant system, enzymes, catalase, peroxidase, meat, myoglobin, methmyoglobin, yeast extract
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