Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
In article the data of sociological polls of staff of HR-departments of the Russian companies reflecting their relation to technologies and to innovations in the sphere of management of human resources and also to artificial intelligence as to the instrument of automation of working processes in personnel management are considered. The obtained data are compared to results of sociological poll about the attitude towards technologies and innovations of the Russians in general reflecting moods in society. It has been revealed that an optimistic attitude to automating HR-processes with the help of technology is combined with disbelief that artificial intelligence can replace managers in matters requiring purely human, from the point of view of respondents, qualities, while respondents tend to extrapolate the current progress of artificial intelligence to the future and expect development from him in those areas where he has already succeeded at the moment, but not to expect qualitatively new breakthroughs in the near future.
human resource management, artificial intelligence, automation, HR-management, staff recruitment, digital tools, digital-tools, recruitment.
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