, Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
GRNTI 10.85 Криминалистика
In the context of historical analysis the present-day state of scientific knowledge and practice of forensic processing of fingerprints formed under the negative objects properties or the action of environmental factors is considered. It is noted that today there is no uniform scientific and methodological pproach to the forensic processing of fingerprints on objects with criminally significant signs in science and practice that are particular demonstrations of their properties due to the special condition of the surface (oiliness, increased adhesion, etc.) or the action of environmental factors. Such complicated cases of the fingerprints formation, according to the author, require accounting of a larger number of circumstances taken into account in the detection and forensic study of these fingerprints. As part of the solution to this problem, modernization of the existing concept of fingerprints forensic processing is proposed, which will promote the theory and practice of dactyloscopy and fingerprint forensic examination in accordance with the modern state of scientific and technological progress.
fingerprints, dactyloscopic examination, technical forensic means and methods, negative properties of objects, the action of environmental factors
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