Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the General characteristics of the competency approach introduced in the training of investigators as part of training in specialized educational institutions of the MIA of the Russian Federation. Recognizes the crucial role of the investigative unit of the MIA of Russia in the implementation of law enforcement, the investigation of crimes. The necessity of modernization of the system of professional training of investigators in the framework of specialized universities in connection with the constant complication of the tasks solved by these employees in the framework of their professional activities is substantiated. Such modernization is largely associated with the introduction of a competency-based approach that ensures the formation of the necessary set of knowledge, skills and personal qualities of students. This approach also makes it possible to objectively assess the level of training of a specialist in the framework of higher education. Attention is drawn to the existing difficulties of implementing the competence approach. The article points to the need for a uniform understanding of the terms "competence" and "competence", discusses modern approaches to the interpretation of these concepts. The analysis of the approaches to the definition of the types of competencies and investigative personnel of the interior Ministry, educated in government schools. The article also presents the authors ' opinion on the understanding of the forensic aspect of the formation of professional competencies of investigators of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Сompetence, investigative activity, investigation of crimes, professional training, investigative apparatus.

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