Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with issues relating to the implementation, in theory and practice, of the “complete prohibition” as the mean of legal regulation used within operational-search activity. The legislator introduced this mechanism in the framework of the Russian President’s initiatives on capital amnesty and relevant solutions aimed to ensure legal protection of private property interests of those who take part in voluntary disclosure of assets, of their confidential information, and to guarantee their exemption from criminal, administrative and tax liabilities. The issues covered by the article are analyzed basing on theoretical surveys on operational-search activity, as well as on their current regulatory framework and related corresponding criminal sciences. The article specifies and classifies provisions of the complete prohibition of operational-search activity in respect of the considered categories of individuals. In conclusion, the practical challenges of this legal regulation mechanism are examined and the ways to tackle them are suggested.

operational-search activity, operational-search measures, complete prohibition, capital amnesty, tax crime, special tax declaration, reversal of the tax base, human rights, operational-search immunity

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