Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article reveals the content of modern training technologies for internal affairs bodies; approaches are presented to training and education of cadets and students of educational organizations of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and educational methods the foundation of which is formed value content of professional activities: patriotism and citizenship, service to the Fatherland and interests of the people, loyalty to the law and official duty. The authors propose specific methods (case methods, group discussions, role-playing and business games) for use during seminars and practical classes in the discipline «Professional ethics and official etiquette». These methods are active and interactive, and their content is based on the appeal to literary and cinematic works on the activities of law enforcement officers on various stages of national history. The article is of methodological interest for scientific and academicians of educational organizations of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, teaching humanities. The authors come to the conclusion that the use of educational methods of teaching in the classroom gives cadets and listeners a clear idea of the main components of professional activity and official duty, morality and law, strengthens the understanding of the continuity of the glorious traditions of previous generations of employees of the internal affairs bodies, allows creating the Ministry of Internal Affairs in educational organizations Russia a favorable upbringing environment and qualitatively raise the level of practical readiness of graduates for professional activities.

education, value, training, culture, patriotism, citizenship, professional ethics, service etiquette, educational methods

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