Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective: the article aims to consider children’s jokes and riddles in the context of expressive word formation and word-play, paying attention to the means and ways of achieving the pragmatic effect of communicative interaction, i. e. the impact on the recipient. Methods: Research methods are determined by the purpose and objectives of the study. The main method is descriptive, implemented in methods of systematizing, generalizing and interpreting the language material. Linguistic methods include the word-formation analysis, contextual analysis, and method of semantic interpretation. Results: 57 various contexts containing jokes and riddles have been analyzed to reveal the means and ways of creating a comic effect. In the humorous and amusing school riddles and jokes analyzed in the article, the comic effect is created by playing upon polysemy, homonymy, external and internal form, with the participation of metaphor, hyperbole, pun, irony, onomatopoeia, etc. In many cases, in the design of riddles and the answers to them, reference is made to encyclopedic and naive knowledge. Practical significance: the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used when dealing with problems of derivation, word-formation, nonce-words, semantic development in lexicology, stylistics, text interpretation, cognitive linguistics lectures and workshops.

joke, riddle, expressive word-formation, wordplay, shortening, abbreviation (a process), abbreviation (a unit of language), clipping, SMS language, black humor, comic effect
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