UDK 94 Всеобщая история
Relevance of the problem: modern approaches to the study of a work of art focus on the concept of text reconstruction, which, in our opinion, is part of cognitive literary studies. In this regard, the material of the prose discourse of the writer-historian V. G. Yan is absolutely not studied previously in literary and theoretical circles, and its specificity is a fruitful ground for testing new approaches to the analysis of the text. Objective: to identify the connection of formal and semantic structures of the artistic integrity of the work, to determine the potencies of the category “title”. Methods: hermeneutical, cultural and linguo-cultural, conceptual, cognitive-conceptual, structural. Scientific novelty: a new alternative algorithm for reading a literary text based on the principle “from form to content, from part to whole” with further identification of dominant plot - forming elements in the novel trilogy (“Chinghis Khan”, “Batu”, “To the “Last sea”) by V. G. Yan was developed. Results: during the development of the research topics we came to the following results: title - a guide to biographical and art (V. G. Jan - mundane) discourse; analysis of the title allows to trace and to identify the peculiarities of functioning of those or other individually-authored concepts in the structure of Macroconcept “Space”; the poetics of titles - the key to unlocking new types of heroes: hero-dervish, hero of the steppe, the hero of the labyrinth of space; the title - is a clear expression of the colorful, but less noticeable in the main text, motivic spectrum in the narrative structure of V. G. Jan. Practical significance: the materials of this scientific development can be successfully applied both in classroom and extracurricular classes in the Humanities (philological) direction, as an auxiliary theoretical and methodological base for the analysis of texts of similar construction.
poetics of titles by V. G. Yan, formal and semantic indicators of the text, Macroconcept “Space”, hero of “steppe”, hero of “labyrinth space”, hero-dervish, prose discourse by V. G. Yan, author’s intention, conceptosphere by V. G. Yan
1. Krzhizhanovskiy S. D. Poetika zaglaviy/ S. D. Krzhizhanovskiy // Sobr. soch.: v V t., T.I. - SPB.: Simposium, 2017. - 387 s
2. Lotman Yu. M. Semiotika kino i kinoestetika/ Yu. M. Lotman. - Tallin.: Aleksandra, 2016. - 92 s
3. Yan V. G. Chingiz Han. Batyy. K «Poslednemu moryu» / V. G. Yan // Sobr.soch.: V IV t. T.II-III. - M.: Labirint, 2017. - 653 s
4. Lihachev D. S. Vnutrenniy mir hudozhestvennogo proizvedeniya/ D. S. Lihachev // Voprosy literatury. - M., 1968. - 123 s
5. Halizev E. V. Teoriya literatury/ E. V. Halizev. - M.: Vysshaya shkola, 2015. - 438 s
6. Vezhbickaya A. Ponimanie kul'tur cherez posredstvo klyuchevyh slov/A. Vezhbickaya - M.: Nauka, 2016. - 287 s
7. Zholkovskiy A. K. Poetika za chaynym stolom i drugie razbory/ A. K. Zholkovskiy. - M.: Flinta, 2014. - 654 s
8. Maslova V. A. Nacional'nyy harakter skvoz' prizmu yazyka/ V. A. Maslova // Monograficheskoe issledovanie. - M.: Prosveschenie, 2015. - 147 s
9. Ogneva E. A. Kognitivnoe modelirovanie konceptosfery hudozhestvennogo teksta/ E. A. Ogneva. - M.: LENAND, 2015. - 196 s
10. Prirodnye stihii v russkoy slovesnosti - M.: URSS, 2015. - 213 s
11. Esalnek A. Ya. Osnovy literaturovedeniya. Analiz romannogo teksta/ A. Ya. Esalnek // Uchebnoe posobie. - M.: Flinta-nauka, 2014. - 168 s