Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective: Determine the content of professional competencies of the swimming instructor for the tender age children that ensure an adequate implementation of functional responsibilities, aimed on the obtaining of the self-realization of participants. Methods and organization of the research: theoretical operation-methods and action-methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, specification, generalization and others, as well as practical operation-methods: data analysis and compilation of scientific and methodical literature. The study was conducted from September 2016 to February 2017. Results: The scientific methods used in the research allowed not only to form a conceptual model of the instructor’s activities but also to identify the particularities of the personality resource of the instructor which lead to a self-realization of all participants of the pedagogical process: children and their parents. Scientific novelty: in the article is researched for the first time the composition of the professional abilites of the swimming instructor for tender age children. Practical significance: the main statements and conclusions of the research will be used in the pedagogical activities of the instructors in the physical culture domain.

conceptual model of the instructor’s activity for tender age swimming, instructor functions, personality traits, instructor professional abilities

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