Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective: To examine some allomorphic and isomorphic peculiarities of multi-structural languages, verbal clichés. To conduct the comparative-historical and contrastive study of formulas and means of speech etiquette. To determine the parameters and situations of speech communication. Methods: comparative-contrastive method of studying the formulas and means of speech etiquette. Results: Some peculiarities of speech etiquette of Russian, French, Spanish, Polish and Tatar peoples were detected, which allow to notice the common trend, namely informality, cordiality, personal approach in communication. Practical relevance: The main provisions and conclusions of this article can be used in scientific and pedagogical activities when solving the issues on the use of certain forms of expression, as well as when studying another culture and achieving optimal communication.

speech etiquette, allomorphic and isomorphic peculiarities, verbal clichés

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