UDK 94 Всеобщая история
The purpose: the writing of scientific work is justified by studying the basic concepts that define the essence of personnel management (as a complex set of professional and personal qualities of employees that enable them to perform their tasks) and the content of the notion of human resources (as a key factor in performance) in order to streamline management impact and Interaction between employees in penitentiary institutions of the penal-executive system. Methods of research: To conduct a scientific study, methods of both empirical and theoretical research were used. Thus, to study the evolutionary development of scientific categories, methods of observation and comparison were used; Economic and mathematical modeling was used to deduce the regular formation of human resources; To analyze the essence of personnel management and human resources, methods of analysis and synthesis were used. The results of the research: can be applied to the formation of the human resources of penal enforcement agencies and institutions, in order to increase the economic efficiency of its use and create conditions for the full implementation of their potential labor opportunities. Scientific novelty: consists in the allocation of specific categories of personnel management and human resources, as the main resource and the key factor that determines the social and economic efficiency of the criminal-executive system. Practical significance: lies in the formed provisions, which make it possible to determine the approaches to solving theoretical and practical problems of realization by the personnel of the penal-executive system of their labor opportunities at the expense of technologies for effective use and development of human resources. Diagnostic and attestation assessment of staff allows you to determine the degree of implementation of professional and personal qualities, while performing official duties
personnel of the penitentiary system, human resources, professional and personal qualities, personnel assessment, social and economic efficiency
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