UDK 94 Всеобщая история
Objective: to develop theoretical approaches and practical directions for the development of marketing management in industrial enterprises. Methods: systemic approach, analysis and synthesis, dialectical and logical methods. Results: on the basis of the analysis of scientific literature, the growing role of marketing in the development of industrial enterprises is defined. The necessity of refinement and improvement of theoretical aspects to the understanding of marketing management is substantiated, and methodological and practical approaches to its formation and development on industrial enterprises are proposed. Based on the system approach, marketing management is defined as the leading subsystem in the enterprise management system, which requires changing all components of the system: concepts, technology, functions. It is concluded that for practical implementation of the proposed development directions in Ukraine, special attention should be paid to culture and spirituality. Scientific novelty: improved on the basis of the proposed theoretical approaches of the direction of development of marketing management on industrial enterprises. Practical significance: the main provisions of the article can be used by state structures and business when developing a strategy for the development of industrial enterprises.
management, marketing, marketing technology, marketing concept, industrial enterprises
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